Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh on Thursday condoled the sad demise of Smt. Uma Devi Pandey (82), the mother of Amar Ujala Resident Editor Sanjay Pandey, who passed away at her native place Rewa in Madhya Pradesh last night after a brief illness. She is survived by two sons and two daughters.
Unfortunately, Sanjay Pandey also lost his father Mahendra Nath Pandey (87), who died due to massive heart attack at Noida on May 7th.In a condolence message, the Chief Minister said, ” I am deeply saddened to learn about the death of your parents which is extremely shocking and tragic”. Sharing his heartfelt sympathies with the bereaved family, relatives and friends, Captain Amarinder Singh also prayed to the Almighty to give courage to them in this hour of grief and grant peace to the departed souls.
Meanwhile, the Chief Minister’s Media Advisor Raveen Thukral also mourned the passing away of the parents of Sanjay Pandey and termed this as inconsolable loss.