Legendary badminton player Nandu Natekar passed away here on Wednesday. The 88-year-old was the first Indian to win an international title in 1956.”On behalf of the Badminton Association of India, we condole the sad demise of legendary player- Shri Nandu Natekar. A man of many firsts, the Father of Indian Badminton, your journey will continue to inspire generations to come. Wishing prayers and strength to the family. #RIP,” BAI tweeted.
In his famed career, the former World No. 3 made it to the quarter-finals of the prestigious All England Championships in 1954. He conquered the Sellanger International in Malaysia in 1956. He won the Men’s Doubles National Championship a total of six times, the Men’s Singles National Championship a total of six times, and the Mixed Doubles National Championship a total of five times.He had also represented India at the 1965 Commonwealth Games in Jamaica. He is survived by his son Gaurav Natekar, a seven-time Indian national champion in tennis, and two daughters.